Jazz & Improvisation Study Group



The group shall be known as the Jazz and Improvisation Study Group of the American Musicological Society, a non-profit corporation.

The Jazz and Improvisation Study Group aims to a provide a focused venue for the interdisciplinary community of scholars interested in jazz, improvisation, and related topics, with an emphasis on what musicologists bring to these robust conversations. Organizers plan to create a welcoming space for junior scholars and graduate students while also shifting the demographics of jazz studies to include more women, first generation scholars, performers, members of LGBTQIA+ communities and Black, Indigenous, and People of Color.


Any member of the American Musicological Society may join the Jazz and Improvisation Study Group. Dues for full-time faculty members are $50 per year; dues for part-time or contingent faculty and independent scholars are $10 per year; student membership is free. The group’s treasury covers an annual student paper prize, costs associated with the Group’s programming and events, and other expenses as approved by its members. Only members may vote at annual meetings and hold office within the Jazz and Improvisation Study Group.


The leadership team of the Jazz and Improvisation Study Group will consist of seven members:
  • Chair (1 position)
    • The Chair will be responsible for the management of the Study Group, including annual reports to the American Musicological Society’s board, organization of the business meeting, and the coordination of a session at the annual meeting of the American Musicological Society.
  • Members at Large (4 positions, 2 must be graduate students)
    • The Members at Large will participate in the annual business meeting, offer input on programming and Study Group activities throughout the year, and serve on ad-hoc committees.
  • Webmaster (1 position)
    • The Webmaster will maintain the Study Group’s webpage and email list.
  • Mentoring Coordinator (1 position)
    • The Mentoring Coordinator will facilitate professional and scholarly development opportunities and events for the Study Group.
  • Secretary Treasurer (1 position)
    • The Secretary Treasurer will keep minutes, maintain the membership roll, and maintain and document the treasury and coordinate expenditures.
Terms of Office: Officers will serve two-year terms. The two-year terms will be staggered such that each year’s business meeting will include the election of two Members at Large (at least one graduate student), and either the Chair or the Webmaster and Mentoring Coordinator.
Nominations: The Chair will accept nominations and self-nominations during a period starting two months before the annual meeting and ending two weeks before the annual meeting, when voting will take place.
Elections: Elections will be held each year at the Annual Meeting of the American Musicological Society. Officers shall be elected by a plurality of the votes cast. At the beginning of the business meeting, the current Chair shall appoint a teller who shall tally the election returns. Election results will be announced by the conclusion of the business meeting.
Ballots: Electronic ballots must be submitted before or during the annual business meeting.

ARTICLE V. Committees

Standing and ad-hoc committees of the Jazz and Improvisation Study Group may be created by a majority vote at the business meeting. All committees will include at least one graduate student. Committees shall consist of no fewer than three members, and the terms of all committee members shall be specified at the time of appointment. All committee terms shall begin and end at the annual business meeting. Committees will select their own chairs unless specified otherwise. The Chair will appoint members of committees and will serve as ex officio member of all committees.
Standing Committees:
Ad-Hoc Committees: Other committees may be organized to address specific needs of the Jazz and Improvisation Study Group. Ad-hoc committees shall dissolve after completing their mandate.

ARTICLE VI. Activities

The Jazz and Improvisation Study Group will hold a business meeting annually during the Annual Meeting of the American Musicological Society. At least eight members must be present at the meeting to constitute a quorum. At or prior to the business meeting, the Chair shall present a report of the group’s activities to the members, and all officers and standing and ad-hoc committees shall present brief reports.
The leadership team will plan a program of interest to the members for each Annual Meeting of the American Musicological Society.

ARTICLE VII. Amendments

Amendments to these bylaws may be proposed to the Chair by any member, not later than two weeks before the beginning of the Annual Meeting of the Society. Proposed amendments shall be made known to the membership insofar as is possible before the business meeting of the Jazz and Improvisation Study Group; they shall be placed on the agenda of that meeting for discussion, possible revision, and a vote. Two thirds of the ballots cast by the membership shall be required to approve an amendment.